AdvBioFuels is ann innovative approach of biofuels.
This project covers all the features of the
Partnership Program “Applied Research Collaborative Projects”. Its thematic
area is Energy under the research
direction 2.1.: Sustainable energy
systems and technologies, enerfy security, aligning with the research topic
2.1.4. Promotion of clean energy,
environment protection measures and reducing of the greenhouse gas emissions.
The importance of this research area is ruled by Renewable Energy Directive implemented
by European Union in 2009, The Directive stipulates the utilization, by 2020,
of carting fuels produced from renewable sources.
Besides the
actual state of the art, the project as a whole will ensure:
ü A better valorization of the molasses and glycerol (both industrial
ü The reduction of the fossil fuel dependency, by replacing it with advanced
ü Biofuels with improved properties (freezing point, viscosity, volatility,
CFPP, solubility inwater etc.),
ü Promoting new, cheaper technologies to obtain advanced biofuels,
ü A reduction of the negative impact of the carting (transportation) field on
the environment,by using a renewable source of energy, produced in greenway.