A. Ph.D theses:
1. To elaborate the PhD thesis “Synthesis and characterization of new functionalized phenothiazinic derivatives” of the PhD student Lovasz Tamas, to analyze the obtained organic compounds, the following equipments were used: Gas Cromatograph with Mass Spectrometer Shimadzu QP 2010, NMR Bruker Advanced 300 Spectrometer, UV CN-6 Lamp, UV Camag Lamp, UV-Vis Spectrometer Perkin Elmer Lambda 35.
2. To elaborate the PhD thesis “New phenothiazine derivatives – novel precursors of charge transport-materials” of the PhD student Larisa Popa, to analyze the obtained organic compounds, the following equipments were used: CEM Discover Cool Mate, Gas Cromatograph with Mass Spectrometer Shimadzu QP 2010, NMR Bruker Advanced 300 Spectrometer, UV-Vis Spectrometer Perkin Elmer Lambda 35, Florescence spectrometer Perkin Elmer LS 55.
B. Master degree theses::
1. To elaborate the Master degree thesis “Synthesis and structural analysis of multidentate phenothiazine ligands” of the Master student Torje Ioana-Andreea, to analyze the obtained organic compounds, the following equipments were used: GS-MS QP 2010 Shimadzu, RMN Bruker Advanced 300 spectrometer, UV CN-6 Lamp, UV Camag Lamp.
2. To elaborate the Master degree thesis “Synthesis of new phosphino-phenothiazine ligands and their complex with transitional metals” of the Master student Sas Ioana to analyze the obtained organic compounds, the following equipments were used: CEM Discover Cool Mate, GS-MS QP 2010 Shimadzu, RMN Bruker Advanced 300 spectrometer, UV CN-6 Lamp, UV Camag Lamp.
3. To elaborate the Master degree thesis “The synthesis of 5H-quinolino-[2,3-b]-phenothiazin-14-(7H)-one” of the Master student Moldovan Lacramioara, to analyze the obtained organic compounds, the following equipments were used: GS-MS QP 2010 Shimadzu, RMN Bruker Advanced 300 spectrometer, UV CN-6 Lamp, UV Camag Lamp, Florescence spectrometer Perkin Elmer LS 55.
4. To elaborate the Master degree thesis “Microwave assisted synthesis of new phenothiazine and acridine derivatives” of the Master student Kocsis Laszlo, to analyze the obtained organic compounds, the following equipments were used: CEM Discover Cool Mate, GS-MS QP 2010 Shimadzu, RMN Bruker Advanced 300 spectrometer, UV CN-6 Lamp, UV Camag Lamp, UV-Vis Spectrometer Perkin Elmer Lambda 35, Florescence spectrometer Perkin Elmer LS 55.
5. To elaborate the Master degree thesis “Crowdwed dichlorophosphasilapropenes” of the Master student Lini Agota, to analyze the obtained organic compounds, the following equipments were used: UV-Vis Spectrometer Perkin Elmer Lambda 35.
6. To elaborate the Master degree thesis “Synthesis of aminophenothiazines and their derivatives” of the Master student Bianca Secelean, to analyze the obtained organic compounds, the following equipments were used: CEM Discover Cool Mate, GS-MS QP 2010 Shimadzu, RMN Bruker Advanced 300 spectrometer, UV-Vis Spectrometer Perkin Elmer Lambda 35, Florescence spectrometer Perkin Elmer LS 55.
C. Bachelor degree:
1. To elaborate the Bachelor thesis “Synthesis of benzo [c] phenothiazines” of the Bachelor degree student Marita Maria Alina, to analyze the obtained organic compounds, the following equipments were used: GS-MS QP 2010 Shimadzu, RMN Bruker Advanced 300 spectrometer, UV CN-6 Lamp, UV Camag Lamp, UV-Vis Spectrometer Perkin Elmer Lambda 35.
2. To elaborate the Bachelor thesis “Synthesis of N1,N3-diphenylbenzene-1,3-diamine, cyclization with sulphur and halogenation” of the Bachelor degree student Simon Lehel Zoltan, to analyze the obtained organic compounds, the following equipments were used: Synthos 3000 and CEM Discover Cool Mate, GS-MS QP 2010 Shimadzu, RMN Bruker Advanced 300 spectrometer, UV CN-6 Lamp, UV Camag Lamp, UV-Vis Spectrometer Perkin Elmer Lambda 35.
3. To elaborate the Bachelor thesis “Acetylation reactions of some phenothiazinic and oligophenothiazinic derivatives” of the Bachelor degree student Fecso Jozsef Tamas, , to analyze the obtained organic compounds, the following equipments were used: GS-MS QP 2010 Shimadzu, RMN Bruker Advanced 300 spectrometer, UV CN-6 Lamp, UV-Vis Spectrometer Perkin Elmer Lambda 35.
4. To elaborate the Bachelor thesis “Synthesis of benzoyl-phenothiazines” of the Bachelor degree student Brem Balazs, to analyze the obtained organic compounds, the following equipments were used: GS-MS QP 2010 Shimadzu, RMN Bruker Advanced 300 spectrometer, UV CN-6 Lamp, UV Camag Lamp, UV-Vis Spectrometer Perkin Elmer Lambda 35, Florescence spectrometer Perkin Elmer LS 55.
D. Bachelor degree and Ph.D stages for foreign students:
1. To elaborate the Bachelor thesis “Fonctionnalisations de la phénothiazines assisstée par microondes ” of the student Burtin Laurent, from Universitaté de Rouen Franta, to analyze the obtained organic compounds, the following equipments were used: Synthos 3000 and CEM Discover Cool Mate, RMN Bruker Advanced 300 spectrometer, UV CN-6 Lamp, UV Camag Lamp, Florescence spectrometer Perkin Elmer LS 55.
2. To elaborate the research report of the PhD student Jean-Noel Koane from Universitaté de Bangui, Centrafricane Republic, in the frame of “Eugen Ionescu“ programme
3. To elaborate the Bachelor thesis “ Synthesis of new phenothiazine Under microwave irradiations. ” of the student Markus Dobrezberger, from Hohere Technische Bundeslehranstalt Wels, Austria, to analyze the obtained organic compounds, the following equipments were used: Synthos 3000 and CEM Discover Cool Mate, RMN Bruker Advanced 300 spectrometer, Florescence spectrometer Perkin Elmer LS 55.
E. ISI articles
1. “First synthesis and electronic properties of diphenothiazine dumbbells bridged by heterocycles”.
Adam W. Franz, Larisa N. Popa, Frank Rominger and Thomas J. J. Müller, Org. Biomol. Chem.,2009, 7, 469–475.
2. ”First synthesis and electronic properties of cyano(oligo)phenothiazines”
Adam W. Franz, Larisa N. Popa and Thomas J. J. Müller, Tetrahedron Letters, 2008, 49(20), 3300-3303.
F. ISI indexed articles
1. Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Phenothiazine Sulfoxide Derivatives
Luiza Găină, Mihai Surducan, Castelia Cristea, Luminiła Silaghi-Dumitrescu,
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 2009, 54, 2 65-71.
2. N-alkylation of Acridone by Means of Microwave Irradiations Without Solvent.
Cerasella Indolean, Luiza Găină, Majdik Cornelia,
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 2009, 54, 2, 95-97.
3. Sonochemical Synthesis of Some Chalconetricarbonyliron(0) Complexes.
Luiza Găină, Andreea Iftimia, Mihai Surducan, CasteliaCristea, Luminiła Silaghi-Dumitrescu,
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 2008, 53, 4, 35-42.
4. Ioan Panea, Mirela Pelea, Maria Coros, Luminiła Silaghi-Dumitrescu, Ioan Bâldea,
“The Comparative Study of the Influences of the External Factors on the UV-Vis Absorption Spectra of Some Potentially Tautomeric Azocoupling Products”
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 2009, 54, 2, 15-32.
5. D.Gligor, L. Muresan, I. C. Popescu, C. Cristea, G. Cormos,
Synthesis and Electrochemical Behaviour of Bis-(10-Ethylphenothiazinyl)-
Studia Universitatis Babe-Bolyai, Chemia, 2008, 53, 1, 15-22
G. Research reports
IDEI project no: 564 from 2007, Director Prof. dr. Luminita Silaghi-Dumitrescu
Capacitati III Coop. Bilaterala Ucraina-Romania project, no. 40/10.06.2008, Director Prof. dr. Luminita Silaghi-Dumitrescu
To separate the synthesized compounds the HPLC equipment (the analytical part) was used. A Zorbax Eclipse XDB-C18, 4.6x 150mm, 5um column, ELSD detector were used. As eluent a mixture of H2O: CH3CN = 25:75 was used, 25 ul of the sample prepared in acetonitrile were injected, the collection was made using the fractions collector.