International conferences





Research team




WP1. Fermentation and preliminary characterization of enzymes

WP2. Purification of enzymes

Scientific report on Stage I



1. Toşa, M. I., Brem, J., Mantu, A., Irimie, F. D. Paizs, C., Rétey, J.: The Interaction of Nitro-phenylalanines with Wild Type and Mutant (MIO-less) Phenylalanine Ammonia-Lyase, ChemCatChem 2013, 5(3), 779-783; DOI: 10.1002/cctc.20120053



The obtained results were used in the Disertation Thesis of: Andrea VARGA, Izabella SZABO.



WP1. Immobilization of enzymes

WP2. Immobilization of whole cells

Scientific report on Stage II





Scientific articles

    1. Diana Weiser, Andrea Varga, Klaudia Kovacs, Flora Nagy, Andras Szilagyi, Beata G. Vertessy, Csaba Paizs, Laszlo Poppe: Bisepoxide Cross-Linked Enzyme Aggregates—New Immobilized Biocatalysts for Selective Biotransformations ChemCatChem 2014, 6, 1463 – 1469.

2. Kovacs K., Banoczi G., Varga A., Szabo I., Holczinge A., Hornyanszky G., Zagyva I., Paizs, C., Vertessy B., Poppe L.: Expression and Properties of the Highly Alkalophilic Phenylalanine Ammonia-Lyase of Thermophilic Rubrobacter xylanophilus, Plos One, 2014, 9(1), 85943 (Abstract)


International conferences

1.   Mantu Alexandra, Varga Andrea, Nagy Botond, Toşa Monica Ioana, Irimie Florin Dan, Paizs, C.: Expression and purification of various types of PAL and PAM, 13th Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis (13th ISSSB), 1-7 July 2013, Debrecen, Hungary (Poster)

2.   Gergely Bánóczi, Zsófia Bata, Gábor Hornyánszky, Csaba Paizs, Ödön Farkas, László Poppe: Enzyme-substrate interactions in phenylalanine ammonia-lyases, Biotrans 2013, 21-25 July, Manchester Central, UK (Poster)

3.   László Poppe, Sarolta Pilbák, Ödön Farkas, Klaudia Kovács, Gergely Bánóczi, Diána Weiser, Zoltán Boros, Beáta G. Vértessy, Csaba Paizs: MIO-containing ammonia-lyases and 2,3-aminomutases. Mechanism, immobilization and biotransformations in batch and continuous-flow systems, Biotrans 2013, 21-25 July, Manchester Central, UK (Invited lecture)


The obtained results were used in the Disertation Thesis of: Cristina Dobie, Dumitraș Loredana  and Sava Anca Elena



WP1. The chemical synthesis of racemic unnatural a- and β-arylalanines

WP2. PAL and PAM mediated biotransformation.

Scientific report on Stage III



Scientific article:

1. Judith H. Bartha-Vári, Monica I. Toşa, Florin-Dan Irimie, Diána Weiser, Zoltán Boros, Beáta G. Vértessy], Csaba Paizs,László Poppe: Immobilization of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase on single-walled carbon nanotubes for stereoselective biotransformations in batch and in continuous-flow modes, under revision at ChemCatChem 2014 (Abstract)


International conferences

1. Andrea Varga, Botond Nagy, Florin Dan Irimie, Csaba Paizs: PAL-PAM Tandem for the Biocatalytic Synthesis of both (S)- and (R)-β-Arylalanines, 14th International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, Bratislava– Smolenice, 28 June – 6 July 2014 P45(Poster)

2. Judith Hajnal Vari, Andrea Varga, Laszlo Poppe, Csaba Paizs: Covalent immobilization of Phenylalanine Ammonia Lyase on Functionalized Single Walled Carbon Nanotube, Action COST CM1303 SysBiocat Training School, Siena, Italy, 28 May- 1 June 2014, Poster presentation

3. Andreea Varga, Laszlo Poppe, Csaba Paizs: PAL-PAM Tandem for the biocatalytic synthesis of both (S)- and (R)-β-Arylalanines, Action COST CM1303 SysBiocat Training School, Siena, Italy, 28 May- 1 June 2014, Poster presentation

4. Andreea Varga, Botond nagy, Laszlo Poppe, Csaba Paizs: PAL-PAM Tandem for the biocatalytic synthesis of both (S)- and (R)-β-Arylalanines, Action COST CM1303 SysBiocat Kick-off Workshop, Madrid, Spain, 10-11 April 2014, Poster presentation

5. Judith Hajnal Vari, Andrea Varga, Laszlo Poppe, Csaba Paizs: Covalent immobilization of Phenylalanine Ammonia Lyase on Functionalized Single Walled Carbon Nanotube, Action COST CM1303 SysBiocat Kick-off Workshop, Madrid, Spain, 10-11 April 2014, invited lecture

6. A. Filip, L. C. Bencze, C. Paizs, M. I. Toşa, F. D. Irimie: Synthesis of new substrates for phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, 2nd International Conference on Chemical Engineering, Iasi, 5 - 7 November 2014 (Abstract)

7. M. I. Toșa, A. Varga, A. Radu, F. D. Irimie, C. Paizs: PAL and PAM, new biocatalysts for amino acids synthesis, 2nd International Conference on Chemical Engineering, Iasi, 5 - 7 November 2014 (Abstract)

8. Poppe L., Paizs C., Vértessy B.G., Kovács K., Diána W., Varga A., Vári H., Bánóczi G., Bell E., Kókai E., Boros Z.: MIO-enzymes – Novel enzymes, immobilization methods and applications, 4th Conference of Novel Enzymes, Ghent, Belgium, 14-17 oct. 2014 (Abstract)



The obtained results were used in the

·       Disertation Thesis of Nagy Anda, Kovács Melinda, Kováry Brigitta and Jako Timea xxxx,

·       PhD-Thesis of Alexandra MANTU (RADU), Mara NAGHI

Some PhD-students work with these new enzymes: Andrea VARGA, Botond NAGY, Norbert DIMA