Scientific papers
Lipase on carbon nanotubes-an active, selective, stable and easy-to-optimize nanobiocatalyst for kinetic resolutions
Gal C.A., Barabás L.E., Bartha Vári J.-H., Moisă M.E., Balogh-Weiser D., Bencze L.C., Poppe L., Paizs C., Toşa M.I.
Reaction Chemistry and Engineering (2021) 6(12): 2391-2399
DOI: 10.1039/d1re00342a -
Characterization of yeast strains with ketoreductase activity for bioreduction of ketones
Csuka P., Nagy-Győr L., Molnár Z., Paizs C., Bódai V., Poppe L.
Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering (2021) 65(3): 299-307
DOI: 10.3311/PPch.17429 -
Robust, site-specifically immobilized phenylalanine ammonia-lyases for the enantioselective ammonia addition of cinnamic acids
Boros K., Moisă M.E., Nagy C.L., Paizs C., Toşa M.I., Bencze L.C.
Catalysis Science and Technology (2021) 11(16): 5553-5563
DOI: 10.1039/d1cy00195g -
Green Process for the Enzymatic Synthesis of Aroma Compounds Mediated by Lipases Entrapped in Tailored Sol-Gel Matrices
Dudu A.I., Lacatus M.A., Bencze L.C., Paizs C., Toşa M.I.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering (2021) 9(15): 5461-5469
DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c00965 -
Substrate Tunnel Engineering Aided by X-ray Crystallography and Functional Dynamics Swaps the Function of MIO-Enzymes
Bata Z., Molnár Z., Madaras E., Molnár B., Sánta-Bell E., Varga A., Leveles I., Qian R., Hammerschmidt F., Paizs C., Vértessy B.G., Poppe L.
ACS Catalysis (2021) 11(8): 4538-4549
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.1c00266 -
A novel phenylalanine ammonia-lyase from Pseudozyma antarctica for stereoselective biotransformations of unnatural amino acids
Varga A., Csuka P., Sonesouphap O., Bánóczi G., Toşa M.I., Katona G., Molnár Z., Bencze L.C., Poppe L., Paizs C.
Catalysis Today (2021) 366: 185-194
DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2020.04.002 -
Protein level alteration of endocannabinoid system components after chronic, oral self-administration of three atypical antipsychotics in rat
Bába L.-I., Kolcsár M., Gáll Z., Bencze L.C., Man A., Kun I.Z.
Acta Marisiensis - Seria Medica (2021) 67(1): 60-66
DOI: 10.2478/amma-2021-0008 -
Oscillations and collective behavior in convective flows
Gergely A., Paizs C., Tötös R., Néda Z.
Physics of Fluids (2021) 33(12): 124104
DOI: 10.1063/5.0073347 -
Hydroxyapatite and silicon-modified hydroxyapatite as drug carriers for 4-aminopyridine
Marincaș L., Turdean G.L., Toşa M., Kovács Z., Kovács B., Barabás R., Farkas N.-I., Bizo L.
Crystals (2021) 11(9): 1124
DOI: 10.3390/cryst11091124