Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca CAPE Forum 2005 - ROMANIA
  February 25-26, Cluj-Napoca  
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
HomeTopicsProgramParticipantsList of worksLocationSponsorsPhotos


The organizers would like to express special thanks to the following institutions and companies for their sponsorship of the organization of the CAPE Forum 2005:

  • Ministerul Educatiei si Cercetarii   • Rompetrol
  • Sistec   • Astechnix
  • Compexit Trading   • Friesland Romania
  • Brinel   • URSUS - Compania de Bere Romania
  • Prodvinalco   • Sticla Lucsil

webmaster: Imre Árpád©2005