Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca CAPE Forum 2005 - ROMANIA
  February 25-26, Cluj-Napoca  
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
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Program of the forum

February 24, Thursday:   •  the arrival of the participants

17:00-19:00   •  registration

19:00   •  welcome cocktail - offered by the organizers

February 25, Friday: 08:00-09:00   •  registration & poster preparation

09:00-10:00   •  keynote lectures

10:00-10:30   •  coffee break

10:30-12:50   •  lectures

13:00-14:30   •  lunch - possibilities in the BBU hotel's restaurant

14:30-15:30   •  poster session

15:30-16:30   •  discussions on posters

16:30-17:00   •  coffee break

17:00-19:00   •  CAPE round table - Perspectives in CAPE

19:30-21:00   •  dinner - offered by the Rector of the BBU

February 26, Saturday: 09:00-10:00   •  keynote lectures

10:00-10:30   •  coffee break

10:30-13:10   •  lectures

13:10-14:30   •  lunch - possibilities in the BBU hotel's restaurant

  •   social activities

Scientific program

February 25, Friday

  •  Keynote lectures - moderator: Prof. Serban Agachi
09:00-09:30 Rafiqul Gani Generation and evaluation of sustainable process alternatives

09:30-10:00 Prodromos Daoutidis Dynamics and Control of Integrated Process Networks: A Multi-Time-Scale Perspective
  •  Lectures - moderators: Prof. Antonello Barresi and Prof. Alexandru Woinaroschy
10:30-10:50 Laureano Jiménez Esteller e-Learning in Process and Chemical Engineering Education: students and faculty member point of view

10:50-11:10 F.Gambardella, J.G.M.Winkelman, H.J.Heeres BiodeNOx, a novel process for NO removal from flue gas

11:10-11:30 Z.K.Nagy, F.Allgöwer Parameter estimation and output feedback nonlinear model predictive control of an industrial batch polymerization system

11:30-11:50 Pu Li, G.Wozny Optimal and Reliable Process Design and Operation by Using Chance Constrained Programming

11:50-12:10 O.Ursu, M.Diudea 3D Molecular Similarity; Method and Algorithms

12:10-12:30 Jerker Björkqvist Scheduling batch processing: Genetic Algorithms Versus Mathematical Programming

12:30-12:50 A.A.Kiss, A.C.Dimian, G.Rothenberg, F.Omota Continuous Biodiesel Production: Reactive Distillation Makes it Happen
  •  Discussions on posters - moderators: Prof. Ferenc Friedler and Prof. Laureano Jiménez Esteller
  •  CAPE round table - moderators: Prof. Rafiqul Gani and Prof. Andrzej Kraslawski

February 26, Saturday

  •  Keynote lectures - moderator: Prof. Prodromos Daoutidis
09:00-09:30 Károly Moser Training Simulator

09:30-10:00 Andrzej Kraslawski Creativity support methods and tools for process enginers
  •  Lectures - moderators: Prof. Péter Mizsey and Prof. Grigore Bozga
10:30-10:50 C.C.Botar-Jid, D.Fissore, S.P.Agachi, A.A.Barresi Selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3 in unsteady-state reactors

10:50-11:10 J.Abonyi, T.Chovan, S.Nemeth, P.Árva, F.Szeifert, B.Dencs New approaches to process optimization - CAPE research at the CECRC Veszprem

11:10-11:30 H.Hedesiu, G.Chindris, S.Folea Mobile monitoring technologies applied to Process Monitoring & Control

11:30-11:50 A.M.Josceanu, R.Isopescu, V.Plesu, S.Morcov Integrated e-Learning Platform for Chemical Engineering Education

11:50-12:10 S.A.Velardi, A.A.Barresi Modelling and monitoring of the freeze-drying process

12:10-12:30 G. Erdem, M.Amanullah, S.Abel, M.Morari, M.Mazzotti, M.Morbidelli On-line optimization and control of simulated moving bed processes

12:30-12:50 K.Koczka, P.Mizsey, Zs.Fonyo Analysis and optimization of hybrid separation systems based on pervaporation

12:50-13:10 J.M.Jezowski On the use of stochastic optimization in chemical and process engineering

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