About Us


The Research Center on Fundamental and Applied Heterochemistry (METALOMICA) deals with the role of heteroatoms in chemistry - form heterocyclic chemistry to organometallic, inorganic and bio-inorganic systems.
The topics of research and analysis generally pertain to the pervasive role of metals in catalysis (as standard reagents or as targets for developing new methodologies), in mechanistic investigations, in the development or exploration of novel structures and materials, in drug design, and/or in biological interactions of endogenous or exogenous (e.g., drugs, pollutants) metal- containing components.

Director of METALOMICA is Prof. Emerit. dr. Luminița Silaghi-Dumitrescu

There are four sets of laboratories, grouped under the following themes: Applied Quantum Chemistry (AQC), Applied Heterocyclic Organic and Organometallic Chemistry (AHOOC), Biological Inorganic Chemistry (BIC) and The Chemistry of Low-Coordinated p-Block Elements (CLCPE).

Applied Heterocyclic Organic and Organometallic Chemistry (AHOOC)

research team coordinated by assoc. prof. Luiza Ioana Găină

Applied Quantum Chemistry

research team coordinated by assoc. prof. Alexandru Lupan

Biological Inorganic Chemistry

research team coordinated by prof. Radu Silaghi-Dumitrescu

The Chemistry of Low-Coordinated p-Block Elements

research team coordinated by prof. Gabriela Nemes


Team Leaders

Luiza Ioana Găină
AHOOC research group
Alexandru Lupan
AQC research group
Radu Silaghi Dumitrescu
BIC research group
Gabriela Nicoleta Nemeș
CLCPE research group