Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Cluj-Napoca



1. Scientific Committe :

  • President:
    • Acad. Prof. Dr. Ionel Haiduc
  • Members:
    • Prof. Dr. Kieran Molloy
    • Prof. Dr. Keith Pannell
    • Prof. Dr. Evamarie Hey-Hawkins
    • Prof. Dr. Paul Mezey
    • Prof. Dr. A. Kalman
    • Prof. Dr. Ioan Silaghi-Dumitrescu
    • Prof. Dr. Ion Grosu

2. The Group for conference coordonation:
- Prof. Dr. Luminita Silaghi-Dumitrescu
- Prof. Dr. Petru Ilea
- Lect. Dr. Majdik Cornelia
- Lect. Dr. Katona Gabriel
- Chem. Porumb Ioan-Dan
- Ph.D Campian Marius

3. The Group for conference promotion:
- Lect. Dr. Majdik Cornelia
- Lect. Dr. Katona Gabriel
- Chem. Porumb Ioan-Dan
- Ph.D Campian Marius
- IDT III Simona Barsan
- Eng. Cadar Sergiu




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