Professor Ionel Haiduc
President of the Romanian Academy

Ionel Haiduc and Frank T. Edelmann
Supramolecular Organometallic Chemistry
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, New York, 1999 (470 pag.)

Ionel Haiduc and Cristian Silvestru
Organometallics in Cancer Chemotherapy. Volume 2. Transition Metal Compounds
CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, 1990 (366 pag.)
Ionel Haiduc and Cristian Silvestru
Organometallics in Cancer Chemotherapy. Volume 1. Main Group Metal Compounds
CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, 1989 (254 pag.)

Ionel Haiduc and D.B. Sowerby (Editors)
The Chemistry of Inorganic Homo- and Heterocycles
Academic Press, London, New York, 1987 (2 vols.)
(Vol.1, 416 pag.; vol.2, 460 pag.)

Ionel Haiduc
Chimia compusilor metalorganici
Editura Stiintificã, Bucuresti, 1974 (492 pag.)
I. Haiduc and J.J. Zuckerman
Basic Organometallic Chemistry
Walter de Gruyter Publ. Co., Berlin, New York, 1985 (488 pag.)

Greek translation (Athens, 1987)
Ionel Haiduc, J.J. Zuckerman
Basikh Organometallikhh Chmeia
Ekdoseix Papaxhsh, Aqhna 1987 (414 pag.)
Ionel Haiduc
The Chemistry of Inorganic Ring Systems
Wiley-Interscience, London, New York, 1970, 2 vols.
(Vol.1, 622 pag.; vol. 2, 575 pag.)

Ionel Haiduc
Introducere in chimia ciclurilor anorganice
Editura Academiei, Bucuresti, 1960 (338 pag.)

Polish translation:
Ionel Haiduc
Wstep do chemii nieorganicznych zwiazkow pierscieniowych
PWN Warszawa, 1964 (369 pag.) (updated and revised version).
Ionel Haiduc
Supramolecular aspects of tin and lead chemistry
Appl. Organomet. Chem. 2007, 21(7) 476-482
Ionel Haiduc
Secondary bonding
in vol. Encyclopedia of Supramolecular Chemistry
Taylor and Francis, Ltd, London, 2007, vol. 1:1, pag. 1215-1224
Ionel Haiduc
Supramolecular Organometallic Compounds
in vol. Encyclopedia of Organometallic Chemistry
Taylor and Francis, Ltd, London, 2007, vol.1:1, pag. 1-8.
Ionel Haiduc
1,1-Dithiolato ligands and related selenium and tellurium compounds
in vol. Handbook of Chalcogen Chemistry. New Perspectives in Sulfur, Selenium and Tellurium
Edited by F.A. Devillanova, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2007, pag. 593-643.
Ionel Haiduc, Hemant K. Sharma and Keith H. Pannell
Organolead Chemistry
in vol. Lead. Chemistry, analytical aspects, environmental impact and health effects
Edited by José S. Casas and José Sordo, Elsevier Publ. Co., Amsterdam, 2006, pag. 100-157.
Ionel Haiduc
Phosphorus-Nitrogen Compounds
in vol. Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry-II, Edited by R.B. King
J. Wiley & Sons, London, New York, Sept. 2005, pag. 4329-4355.
Ionel Haiduc
Inorganic Ring Systems
in vol. Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry-II, Edited by R.B. King
J. Wiley & Sons, London, New York, Sept. 2005, pag. 2028-2055.
Edward R.T. Tiekink, Ionel Haiduc
Stereochemical aspects of metal xanthate complexes. Molecular structures and supramolecular self-assembly
in vol. Progress in Inorganic Chemistry Edited by K.D. Karlin
J.Wiley & Sons, London, New York, 2005, vol. 54, Chapter 3, pp. 127-319.