New research in dendrochronology and environmental climate change by using AMS/CFAMS radiocarbon dating and stable isotope analysis
Noi cercetări în dendrocronologie şi schimbări climatice ale mediului prin datare cu radiocarbon prin AMS şi CFAMS, respectiv analiză de izotopi stabili

The research project addresses two world priorities in tree research: dendrochronology and dendroclimatology. Field investigations imply sample collection from large and old trees located in different areas: the tropical Africa, Australia and the temperate climate Romania. Laboratory work, which involves pretreatment of samples for cellulose extraction, AMS/CFAMS radiocarbon dating and stable isotope analyses, will be done in laboratories from U.S.A., South Africa and Romania.

Concerning the dendrochronological aspect, our main goal is to continue, diversify and complement our pioneering research in the field, by using the methodology introduced by the project leader, which allows investigating large and live specimens. Our research will focus on the radiocarbon investigation of the African baobab and other baobab species.

The main objective of the proposed dendroclimatological research is to create a spatially and temporally highly resolved palaeoclimate record for the last 1500-2000 years in Africa, from stable isotope analysis of growth ring/segment sequences collected from baobab species, that can be used to assess climate dynamics over the continent and Madagascar. The project is ambitious and no such research has been accomplished to date.

Design and implementation by contact@andreicociuba.ro