Babes-Bolyai University



The ORGANIC and SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY group of professor Grosu Ion welcomes you. Our laboratory is part of the Center of Organic and Computational Chemistry with Applications in Nanotechnologies "COCCAN" - Cluj-Napoca. We are located in the building of the Faculty of Chemistry at the second floor, in the Lab. 152 and Lab 137.

Synthesis and conformational analysis of saturated heterocyclic compounds represented a research direction successfully aproached for 1,3-dioxanes and 1,3-oxathianes structures. A new research direction of the group refers to the very innovative domain of Supramolecular Chemistry: synthesis, structural analysis and “host-guest” systems of new coronands, cryptands, cyclophanes and molecular “cages”. The very good results obtained on macrocyclic derivatives (coronands and cyclophanes containing 1,3-dioxane units) encouraged this new research orientation.
The numerous international collaborations of the group (France, Canada, Spain, Germany) increased the level of the scientific research in the group. These collaborations encouraged the exchange of the students between the laboratories.

For information and details about the group contact us at the mailing address mentioned bellow. We will be glad to answer your queries.
Professor Dr. Ion Grosu
Professor Dr. Ion GROSU
Organic Chemistry Department
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
"Babes-Bolyai" University
400028 Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Phone: 00-40-264-593833 int. 5661
Fax: 00-40-264-590818


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Updated on 26 November, 2010
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