1. “Exposure to Arsenic and Cancer Risk in Central and East Europe”, Contract nr. ERBIC15 CT98 03325, Proiect nr. PL973158 (EXPASCAN), Project leader:  Imperial College London. Controbutors: Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology Praga, Imperial College Consultants Ltd. Londra, Medizinisches Institut für Umwelthygiene Düsseldorf, Statny Zdravotny Ustav i Prievidzi Slovacia, Universitatea “Babeş-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca).

  2. “Investigation of the Risk of Cyanide in Gold Leaching on Health and Environment in Central Asia and Central Europe, IRCYL ICA2-CT-2000-10065.
    Project leader:  Medical Institute for Environmental Hygiene, Duesseldorf, Germania.

