Welcome to the website of the PROMYS project
MIO-enzyme toolkit for the synthesis of unnatural amino acids
Project coordinator: Dr. Bencze László-Csaba
Our PROMYS project aims to develop the MIO-enyzme toolkit – by the aid of novel MIO-enyzme toolbox, novel high-throughput activity assays, novel immobilization techniques - for production of industrially relevant α- and β- amino acids. The MIO-enzyme toolkit will provide: 1) novel MIO-enzyme toolbox of whole cell/purified enzyme/immobilized enzyme, with defined and/or expanded substrate scope; 2) high throughput activity screening methods for whole cells/purified enzymes/immobilized enzymes, with applicability towards substrates with large structural variety, thus permitting the: i) access to the directed evolution of these enzymes, allowing the activity screens of large wild-type/mutant strain or/and purified/immobilized enzyme libraries towards the substrates of interest; ii) substrate scope exploration of whole cell/purified enzyme/immobilized enzyme of interest; iii) further extension of the toolkit towards targeted substrates or/and enzymes; 3) novel biocatalytic technologies, as “tools” for the milligram-, gram-scale efficient synthesis of valuable α-, and β-, L-, and D- amino acids with high enantiopurity.

Contact us:
Lect. Bencze László-Csaba
phone: +40-264-593833
fax: +40-264-590818
e-mail: cslbencze(at)chem.ubbcluj.ro
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Biocatalysis and Biotransformations Research Center
University of Babes-Bolyai
Arany Janos street 11
Cluj Napoca – ROMANIA