High-resolution mass spectrometer Thermo Scientific LTQ Orbitrap XL
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Department of Chemistry
Supramolecular Organic and Organometallic Chemistry Centre
Str. Arany János, nr. 11, RO-400028, Room 206
Phone: 40-264-593833 / int. 5661
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Ion Grosu, e-mail: igrosu(at)chem.ubbcluj.ro
High-resolution mass spectrometer Thermo Scientific LTQ Orbitrap XL

Equipment description
High-resolution mass spectrometer Thermo Scientific LTQ Orbitrap XL installed at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering is a hybrid system containing a liniar ion trap (for the acquisition of low resolution mass spectra) and a last generation Orbitrap ion trap (for acquision of high resolution mass spectra). The spectrometer has as main accesories: an Accela chromatograph, a chiller Thermoflex 900, and a nitrogen generator Parker Domnick Hunter LCMS15-1.
LTQ Orbitrap XL affords recording of high-resolution mass spectra and determination of exact mass of the analyzed compounds with accuracy below 3 ppm, value under the accepted limit (5 ppm) for the determination of the identity of a compund. The mass spectrometer has four ionization probes (ESI, APCI, MALDI, and nano-ESI) which allow the analysis of a wide range of compunds: organic and organometallic small molecules, supramolecular associations, peptides, proteins, polimers etc.
Apllications / Uses
- acquisition of mass spectra of high resolution or low resolution with various ionization methods: ESI, APCI, MALDI, in both positive and negative mode
- determination of the isotopic composition of analyzed samples
- determination of fragmentation patterns of the analyzed compounds
- MSn experiments
- HPLC-MS and HPLC-MS/MS experiments
- studies on supramolecular systems associated through non-covalent interactions
- determinarea compoziției unor amestecuri complexe, analize calitative și cantitative
- separation, identification and study of peptides and protein modifications
- identification, structure determination and molecular mass distribution of polymers etc.
Opening hours
Monday – Friday: 9h00-17h00