Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Department of Chemistry
Supramolecular Organic and Organometallic Chemistry Centre
Str. Fântânele, nr. 30, Room 63A
Phone: 40-264-593833
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Ion Grosu, e-mail:
Mantis PVD system – QUBE MODEL
- QUBE-BASE – Base chamber configuration. The system pumped by a 300 l/s turbomolecular pump supported by a 10 m3/h rotary roughing pump and
reaches a base pressure of better than 2.4x10-6 mbar following clean venting using nitrogen. The sample table is configured for processing samples up to 4”
and includes a holder for 4” diameter samples as well as a holder for multiple smaller samples. The sample table includes rotation, and a motorized sample shutter.
Includes TITANIUM software with Automation Suite for recipe control installed on a Windows based laptop.
- ORGANIC MATERIALS DEPOSITION and ALUMINUM ORMA-CELL – 6-pocket organic materials evaporator + Al; The ORMA allows up to 6 different materials to be loaded, or a
combination of up to 6 pockets. It evaporates also Al.
- ORMA-CELL-PSU+PID (D) – Dual power supply for ORMA source.
- DEPOSITION MONITORING QP-QCM-QUBE – Monitor deposition rate using a quartz crystal microbalance; Quartz crystal monitor for QUBE system; Film thickness monitor installed for independent rate verification; Thickness resolution of 0.1 Angstrom.
Multi-lay processes are achieved through programming in TITANIUM software. Graphical display of deposition rate through TITANIUM software.
Includes motorized shutter which can be controlled through TITANIUM software or from rack mounted controller.
Apllications / Uses
• For deposition of thin films of organic and inorganic materials on various supports.
• In fabrication of Organic Solar Cells and OLEDs