University POLITEHNICA Bucharest CAPE Workshop
Organizers University POLITEHNICA Bucharest (UPB), ROMANIA
  Prof. Vasile LAVRIC

VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BELGIUM
  Prof. Jacques De Ruyck

VITO - Flemish Institute for Technological Research, BELGIUM

Under the scientific cooperation agreement between the Flanders and Romanian governments, contract WDG0339 with the title: Application of chemical pinch methodology in process industries
Title Chemical Pinch approach in Pinch Analysis
and the use of existing software
Date February 26, 2005, 9:00-13:00
Participants PhD students, specialists from industry
Venue Center for International Cooperation of BBU Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Fees No taxes are required, but the participants must cover the travel and accommodation costs.
  • Prof. Jacques De Ruyck
    Introduction to Chemical reaction heat integration analysis

  • Prof. Vasile Lavric
    Applications of the chemical reaction energy integration (CREI) analysis
    • Combined Pinch-CREI Analysis of Supercritical Water Oxidation
    • CREI Analysis of the Fisher-Tropsch synthesis
    • Combined Pinch-CREI of Ammonia installation
    • Retrofitting and the CREI Analysis

  • Prof. Jacques De Ruyck
    Pinch analysis applied to the integration of biomass in gas turbine cycles through steam reforming

Accommodation For accommodation informations and reservations please fill in this form.
Travel For travel informations visit this web page.
last revision: January 22, 2005