Cod proiect (Project code): PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2567 Acronim (Acronym): RADISODEN |
Abstract |
Proiectul de
cercetare continuă și extinde cercetările noastre
dendrocronologice și dendroclimatologice precedente asupra unor arbori
monumentali în regiuni care nu au fost încă cercetate din zone tropicale
și temperate. A fost adăugată o nouă temă de
cercetare, referitoare la protecția și conservarea arborilor
monumentali. Cercetarea dendrocronologică se bazează pe metodologia
noastră originală, care constă în datarea cu radiocarbon prin
AMS a mostrelor de lemn recoltate din arbori angiospermi.
Intenționăm să lămurim definitiv problema arhiteturii,
creșterii și vârstei baobabilor monumentali. Investigațiile
noastre se vor focaliza îndeosebi asupra specimenelor aparținând genului
Adansonia, și anume A. grandidieri din Madagascar și A. gregorii
din Australia, dar și asupra A. digitata din Africa continentală.
Vor fi investigați și arbori angiospermi respectabili din România,
Moldova și Europa. Cercetarea dendroclimatologică va folosi ca
indicator proxy inelele de creștere ale baoabilor, datate în prealabil
cu radiocarbon. Reconstrucția climatică pe ultimii 1000-2000 ani,
bazată pe analiza de izotopi stabili ai carbonului și oxigenului,
se va focaliza asupra dinamicii Zonei de convergență
intertropicală și a variabilității musonilor. Zonele
țintă sunt Senegal, Angola, Namibia, Oman, Congo și
Madagascar. Se va acorda o atenție deosebită protecției
și conservării baobabilor monumentali din Senegal, Namibia și
Madagascar, unde aceștia se află sub amenițare antropică
severă. |
Abstract |
The research
project continues and enhances our previous studies on dendrochronology and
dendroclimatology of superlative angiosperm trees in new areas from tropical
and temperate zones, which have not been studied. A new research topic,
concerning the protection and conservation of monumental trees, was included.
The dendorchronological research is based on our original approach,
consisting of AMS radiocarbon dating of wood samples collected from large
live trees. We intend to clarify definitively the aspects of the
architecture, growth, age of monumental baobabs. Our investigation will focus
especially on specimens belonging to the Adansonia genus, namely A. grandidieri
from Madagascar and A. gregorii from Australia in particular but also A.
digitata from mainland Africa. Large angiosperm trees from Romania, Moldova
and Europe will also be investigated. The dendroclimatological research will
use baobab growth rings, previously dated by radiocarbon, as proxy. The
climate reconstructions over the last 1000-2000 years, which are based on
stable carbon and oxygen isotope chemistry, will focus on Intertropical
Convergence Zone dynamics and monsoon variability. Target areas include
Senegal, Angola, Namibia, Oman, Congo and Madagascar. A particular attention
will be given to the protection and conservation of baobab forests and
monumental specimens from Senegal, Namibia and Madagascar, which are facing
severe anthropic threats. |
proiectului |
Titlul proiectului
“Cercetări dendrocronologice cu radiocarbon, studii dendroclimatologice
cu izotopi stabili şi conservarea unor arbori monumentali din lume”
reflectă obiectivele proiectului şi cele 3 direcţii principale
de cercetare, şi anume: |
goals |
The title of the
project itself “Radiocarbon dendrochronology, isotope dendroclimatology and
conservation of monumental angiosperm trees of the world” expresses the
objectives and the three main research directions of the project, namely: |
estimate |
obţinute vor fi prezentate în rapoartele de cercetare/activitate
întocmite la sfîrşitul fiecărei etape. Principalele rezultate vor
fi diseminate într-un număr de 10-12 articole, care vor fi înaintate
spre publicare în reviste ştiinţifice indexate ISI, ca de exemplu
Radiocarbon, Dendrochronology, Plos One, Forests, Tree Physiology, Annals of
Forest Science, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics B, Frontiers in
Climate, Plant şi reviste ce aparţin grupului Nature. De asemenea,
acestea vor face obiectul a 5-7 prezentări la conferinţele
internaţionale de radiocarbon, de exemplu AMS-15
(Sydney, Australia 2021), Radiocarbon and Environment-3 (Gliwice, Polonia
2021), Radiocarbon-24 (Jerusalem, Israel 2022) şi la conferinţe
despre climă şi modificări climatice. |
Estimat ed
results |
The obtained
results will be disclosed in research/activity reports, which will be
delivered at the end of every research period. The main results will also be
disseminated in a number of 10-12 articles, which will be published in ISI
peer-reviewed international scientific journals, such as Radiocarbon,
Dendrochronology, Plos One, Forests, Tree Physiology, Annals of Forest
Science, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics B,
Frontiers in Climate, Plants and journals which belong to the
Nature group. We also envisage presenting our findings in at least 5-7
presentations at the main international radiocarbon conferences, i.e., AMS-15
(Sydney, Australia 2021), Radiocarbon and Environment-3 (Gliwice, Poland
2021), Radiocarbon-24 (Jerusalem, Israel 2022) and one or two climate
conferences, which are to be disclosed. |
Articole publicate (Published papers) |
1. A. Pătruţ, R.T. Pătruţ, L. Rakosy, D. Rakosy, I.A.
Raţiu, K.F. von Reden, Radiocarbon investigation of the Big Baobab of
Outapi, Namibia, Studia UBB Chemia, LXVI, 1,, 2021, 153-163, doi:
10.24193/subbchem.2021.1.12 2. A. Pătruţ, R.T. Pătruţ, J-M. Leong
Pock-Tsy, P. Danthu, S. Woodbborne, L. Rakosy, I.A. Raţiu, Investigation
of the Architecture and Age of Superlative Adansonia grandidieri from the
Andombiry Forest, Madagascar, Forests, 2021, 12, 1258, 3. A.
Pătruţ, L. Rakosy, R.T. Pătruţ, V.
Bocoş-Binţinţan, I.A. Raţiu, J. Bodis, S. Woodborne, AMS
Radiocarbon dating of the large pedunculate oak of Mercheaşa, Romania,
Studia UBB Chemia, LXVI, 3, 2021, 255-263, doi: 10.24193/subbchem.2021.3.16 4. A.
Pătruţ, R.T. Pătruţ, L. Rakosy, I.A. Raţiu, D.A.
Lowy, K.F. von Reden, Age, growth and architecture of the Big Tree at Victoria
Falls, Dendrochronologia, 70, 2021, 125898, 5. A. Pătruţ, R.T. Pătruţ, V.
Bocoş-Binţinţan, I.A. Raţiu, L. Rakosy, G. Zdrob, E.
Vancă, K.F. von Reden, Radiocarbon investigation of two old elms from
Romania, Studia UBB Chemia, 2022, LXVII, 1, 245-256, doi:
10.24193/subbchem.2022.1.16 6. A. Pătruţ, R.T. Pătruţ, L. Rakosy, I.A.
Raţiu, N. M. Nassor, K.F. von Reden, Radiocarbon investigation of two
large African baobabs from Kizimkazi, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Studia UBB Chemia,
2022, LXVII, 3, 143-153, doi: 10.24193/subbchem.2022.3.09 7. A. Pătruţ, R.T.
Pătruţ, L. Rakosy, W. Oliver, I.A. Raţiu, D.A. Lowy, G.
Shiimbi, S. Woodborne, K.F. von Reden, Radiocarbon Investigation of the
Historic African Baobabs of Omusati, Namibia, Forests, 2022, 13, 1899, 8. A. Pătruţ, V. Bocoş-Binţinţan, R.T.
Pătruţ, D. Parţilă, I.A. Raţiu, L. Rakosy, K.F. von
Reden, Radiocarbon dating of the historic Emperor’s Beech from Muncel, Baia
de Arieş, Romania. Studia UBB Chemia, 2022, LXVII, 4. doi:
10.24193/subbchem.2022.4.11 9. R.T. Pătruţ, A.
Garg, A. Pătruţ, S. Woodborne, L. Rakosy, I.A. Raţiu, Radiocarbon
analysis of the Indian banyan (Ficus benghalensis L.) at Narora, Current
Science, 124,10,25 May 2023, 10. A. Pătruţ, R.T. Pătruţ, L. Rakosy, I.A.
Raţiu, P. Danthu, J-M. Leong Pock Tsy, K.F. von Reden, Radiocarbon
Dating of the Historic Grand Baobab of Mahajanga, Madagascar, Studia UBB
Chemia, 2023, LXVIII, 1, 119-129, 11. R.T. Pătruţ, A. Pătruţ, G. Hall, C.W.
Winterbach, I. Robertson, I.A. Raţiu, V. Bocos-Bintintan, L. Rakosy, S.
Woodborne, A 900-Year Isotopic Proxy Rainfall Record from Northeastern
Botswana, Forests, 2023, 14, 1917, 12. A. Pătruţ, R.T. Pătruţ, J-M. Leong Pock Tsy,
L. Rakosy, P. Danthu, I.A. Raţiu, J. Bodis, S. Woodborne, Radiocarbon
Dating of the Very Large Egg Baobab from the Andombiry Forest, Madagascar,
Studia UBB Chemia, 2023, LXVIII, 3, 141-151, |
Participare la conferințe științifice |
internațională AMS-15 de la Sydney, Asutralia. Participare cu o
prezentare de tip poster: |
Scientific conference participation |
International Conference, Sydney, Australia. Participation with
a poster presentation: A.
Pătruţ, R.T. Pătruţ, L. Rakosy, D. Rakosy, I.A.
Raţiu, W. Oliver, K.F. von Reden, Radiocarbon investigation of the large
African baobabs of Outapi, Namibia. Conferinţa
internaţională Radiocarbon 24 de la Zürich, Elveţia (11-16
septembrie 2022). Participare cu 2
prezentări: 24 Radiocarbon
International Conference, Zürich, Switzerland (11-16
September 2022). Participation with
two presentations: A.
Pătruţ, M. Molnar, R.T. Pătruţ, L. Rakosy, D. Rakosy,
J.J. Brown,T. Varga, AMS Radiocarbon investigation of the African baobabs
from the semiarid cloud forest of Wadi Hinna, Dhofar, Oman. R.T.
Pătruţ, S. Woodbourne, A. Pătruţ, G. Hall, I. Robertson,
C.W. Winterbach, L. Rakosy, I.A. Raţiu, A 900-Year Isotopic Proy
Rainfall Record from Central Botswana. Conferinţa
latino-americană de radiocarbon CLARa2, Mexico City, Mexic (4-8
septembrie 2023). Participare cu 2
prezentări: Latin American
Radiocarbon Conference CLARa2, Mexico City, Mexico (4-8 September 2023). Participation with
two presentations: A.
Pătruţ, R.T. Pătruţ, L. Rakosy, I.A. Raţiu, K.F. von
Reden, S. Woodbourne, Ages of large Boabs from Kimerley, Australia determined
by AMS Radiocarbon Investigation. A.
Pătruţ, M. Molnar, R.T. Pătruţ, L. Rakosy, I.A.
Raţiu, AMS Radiocarbon Dating of Very Old African Baobabs from Xangongo,
Angola. |
Echipă și colaboratori (Team and collaborators) |
Project leader -
Prof. Dr. Adrian Pătruț, Brainmap ID: U-1700-027W-4035, email: Senior researcher -
Prof. Dr. Laszlo Rakosy, Brainmap ID: U-1700-039C-4401 Research assistant
- Dr. Ileana Rațiu, Brainmap ID: U-1900-061R-9515 Research assistant
- Dr. Roxana Pătruț, Brainmap ID: U-1700-037S-8765 |
on the
implementation of the research project:
Code PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2567
Contract No. PCE 145/2021
the time frame January 2021 - December 2023
The research project
continues and enhances our previous studies on dendrochronology and
dendroclimatology of superlative angiosperm trees in new areas from tropical
and temperate zones, which have not been studied. A new research topic,
concerning the protection and conservation of monumental trees, was included.
The dendorchronological research is based on our original approach, consisting
of AMS radiocarbon dating of wood samples collected from large live trees. We
intend to clarify definitively the aspects of the architecture, growth, age of
monumental baobabs. Our investigation will focus especially on specimens
belonging to the Adansonia genus,
namely A. grandidieri from Madagascar
and A. gregorii from Australia in
particular but also A. digitata from
mainland Africa. Large angiosperm trees from Romania, Moldova and Europe will
also be investigated. The dendroclimatological research will use baobab growth
rings, previously dated by radiocarbon, as proxy. The climate reconstructions
over the last 1000-2000 years, which are based on stable carbon and oxygen
isotope chemistry, will focus on Intertropical Convergence Zone dynamics and
monsoon variability. Target areas include Senegal, Angola, Namibia, Oman, Congo
and Madagascar. A particular attention will be given to the protection and
conservation of baobab forests and monumental specimens from Senegal, Namibia
and Madagascar, which are facing severe anthropic threats.
research project comprises 3 recurring stages with identical names, each
containing 4 identical activities and similar actions (categories of activity).
They are differentiated by the indices 1, 2, or 3, namely I, II, or III,
corresponding to the three years of execution and, obviously, by the researched
regions and investigated angiosperm trees.
Thus, the 3 stages of
the project are as follows:
Conservation and protection of monumental trees, investigating them through
radiocarbon dating and stable isotope analysis (I) (January - December 2021).
Phase 2: Conservation and
protection of monumental trees, investigating them through radiocarbon dating
and stable isotope analysis (II) (January - December 2022).
Phase 3: Conservation and
protection of monumental trees, investigating them through radiocarbon dating
and stable isotope analysis (III) (January - December 2023).
Following this, the
main results obtained in the 3 stages are presented, as well as the method of
accomplishment of the objectives outlined in the Project Implementation Plan.
(January - December
The scientific activities carried out within the
research project during the period January-December 2021 aimed to achieve the
objectives outlined in the single stage of the Project Implementation Plan for
the year 2021.
Phase 1
(single stage 2021):
and protection of monumental trees, investigating them through radiocarbon
dating and stable isotope analysis (I).
Objective 1.1. Baobab dating (I), with possible field trips to
Madagascar, Australia, Brazil, Senegal, Angola, Namibia, Congo, Zimbabwe,
Sudan, South Africa, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Singapore etc. (for 1-3 persons).
1.1.1. Sample collection from 35
Objective 1.2. Climate study (I) with
possible field trips to Madagascar,
Senegal, Angola, Namibia, Congo, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Oman etc. (for 1-3 persons).
1.2.1. Sample collection from 3 baobabs.
A total of 45 representative African baobabs (Adansonia digitata) from Senegal and
Tanzania were measured and investigated, samples being collected from 36
baobabs for dating (compared to the 35 envisaged), and from 3 baobabs for
stable isotope analysis (compared to the 3 envisaged).
An important expedition took place between September -
October 2021 (2 persons) in Senegal, covering the Dakar-M'bour-Fissel-Samba Dia
area. With an estimated count of 5-10 million specimens, Senegal hosts the
largest number of African baobabs in the northern hemisphere. Additionally,
Senegal harbors the largest and oldest exceptional baobabs in the northern
hemisphere. In this context, we mention the baobab near the village of
Sinthiou-Keita, located near the town of Nianing, in the Thiès region, which has
the largest wood volume V = 300 m3. It has a clustered structure
consisting of 3 common stems 2 false stems (Fig. 1). Its dimensions are as
follows: height h = 22.5 m, circumference (at 1.30 m) cbh = 27.10 m. Its
estimated age is 750 years.
The research team investigated the sacred baobab of
Nianing, in the Thiès region, which is a candidate for the title of the oldest
tree in Senegal. It has a closed ring-shaped structure, consisting of 11 main
stems around a false cavity, along with 3 young stems and an additionl false
stem (Fig. 2). Its dimensions are: h = 18.7 m, cbh = 24.70 m, and V = 180 m3.
Fig. 1.
The baobab of Sinthiou-Keita has the largest wood volume of the northern
Fig. 2.
The baobab of Nianing has no less than 15 fused stemse.
The largest baobab in Senegal and the entire northern
hemisphere, in terms of circumference, remains the one in Warang, Thiès region,
which consists of no less than 18 stems. Its circumference has increased
further, reaching a value of cbh = 28.90 m. In 2019, we noted that it had been
enclosed within a courtyard with a newly built house over its roots, surrounded
by tall fences, after growing 10 years on vacant land (Fig. 3). Presently,
following discussions in 2020 with the owner of the property, she understood
the importance of protecting the monumental baobab now in her yard and is
providing it with special care.
In August 2021, a research team (3 members) conducted
an expedition in Tanzania, focusing their investigations on baobabs on the
Unguja Island (Zanzibar). Unguja Island covers an area of 1666 km2
with a maximum length of 83 km and contains an estimated number of 50,000 -
100,000 African baobabs, which are mainly concentrated in the extreme south and
north of the island and partially in the central area.
Fig. 3.
The great baobab of Warang is now enclosed within the walls of a house and has
become a sort of "domesticated baobab."
The largest baobab in Tanzania, located at Kizimkazi
Dimbani in Zanzibar, with a volume of 300 m3, tore during a storm in
April 2018 and perished. Samples were collected from several large pieces
remaining from its trunk and branches.
Near Kizimkazi, at Makunduchi, there is a grove of
sizable baobabs. The largest among them, named Makunduchi-1, has a cluster
structure, composed of 8 common stems and 7 false stems (Fig. 4). Its
dimensions are: h = 19.5 m, cbh = 20.05 m, V = 180 m3. This baobab
stands out for its very large spherical fruits. In the central-western region,
south of the old Town City center, lies the Fumba Beach Lodge resort, on the
shores of the Indian Ocean. The resort contains several African baobabs. The
largest among them, named Fumba-1, grows amidst some less common auxiliary
constructions that reach up to its crown. It consists of 4 common stems and one
false stem, fused together into a cluster structure (Fig. 5). Its dimensions are: h = 14.3 m, cbh = 21.45 m, V = 140
Fig. 4. The Makunduchi-1 baobab consists of 15 fused
Fig. 5.
The lower part of the Fumba-1 boabab, which grows right on the beach, are
sometimes submerged in the ocean.
1.1.2. Pretreatment of samples (80 sample
segments), 1.1.3. AMS radiocarbon dating (80 sample
segments) and 1.1.4. Calibration (80 sample segments).
A number of 85 wood sample segments (compared to 80
envisaged) were pretreated by the acid-base-acid or α-cellulose method,
subsequently AMS radiocarbon dated and then calibrated.
The radiocarbon dating by AMS (accelerator mass spectrometer)
was performed at iThemba Laboratory for Accelerator Based Sciences (iThemba
LABS) in Johannesburg (South Africa) and the Hertelendi
Laboratory of Environmental Studies (Isotoptech Zrt and MTA ATOMKI), Debrecen (Hungary).
Activity 1.2.2. Stable isotope analysis. The stable
isotope analysis was performed to determine the δ13C and δ18O
values at iThemba LABS, Gauteng (South Africa).
1.3. Measuring
and dating trees of Romania, Moldova and Europe (I), with
possible field trips to
Germany, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Moldova, Poland, Austria, Italy, England,
Turkey, and other domestic and European travels (for 1-3 persons).
Fig. 6.
The oak tree at Mercheaşa is "only" 560 years old.
Fig. 7. The wych elm of Sadova.
In July
2021, 2 members of our research team traveled to the village of Mercheașa,
Homorod municipality, Brașov county, where a superlative oak (Quercus
robur) is located in recent years, which is also referred to as the ‘elder
of the Carpathians’ (Fig. 6). Some scientists have attributed it a much too
overestimated age, surpassing 900 years. Its dimensions are: h = 17.6 m, cbh=
10.16 m, V = 50 m³. Dozens of people all over the country come to visit on a
daily basis what is considered to be ‘the oldest tree in Romania’. In order to
dispel the myth, we took wood samples, which were radiocarbon dated. The
radiocarbon dates indicate that the Mercheașa oak is in fact around 560
years old.
In October
2021, 2 members of our research team traveled to the village of Sadova, a suburb
of Cîmpulung Moldovenasc, Suceava county, where a
secular wych elm (Ulmus glabra) is
located. The elm is in an advanced state of degradation, with a large cavity in
the trunk that is almost devoid of wood and has only 3 remaining branches of
its original crown (Fig. 7). Its current dimensions are: h = 13.8 m, cbh = 6.77
Early June
2021, our research team (2 members) traveled to Spain to the island of
Tenerife. Here, the most representative specimens of the dragon tree (Dracaena Draco) were investigated and
measured, focusing in particular on the famous Icod tree called ‘El Drago
Activities 1.3.1. Measuring 40 trees, 1.3.2. Sample collection from 4
trees, 1.3.3. Pretreatment of samples (20 sample segments) and 1.3.4. AMS
radiocarbon dating (20 sample segments).
A number of
56 trees were measured (compared to 40 envisaged), samples were collected from
8 trees (compared to 4 envisaged), 30 sample segments were pretreated (compared
to 20 envisaged) and 30 sample segments were AMS radiocarbon dated (compared to
20 envisaged).
Objective 1.4. Dissemination of results.
Activity 1.4.1. Publishing or submitting for
publication a number of 2-3 articles.
2021, we published 4 scientific articles, all in ISI journals, out of which 2
are within the so-called 'red zone' according to the CNCS classification. All
these articles mention that 'The research was funded by the Romanian Ministry
of Education CNCS-UEFISCDI under grant PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2567, No.
145/2021.' The 4 published articles are as follows:
1. A. Pătruţ, R.T. Pătruţ, L.
Rakosy, D. Rakosy, I.A. Raţiu, K.F. von Reden, Radiocarbon investigation
of the Big Baobab of Outapi, Namibia, Studia
UBB Chemia, LXVI, 1,, 2021, 153-163. (
2. A. Pătruţ, R.T. Pătruţ, J-M. Leong Pock-Tsy, P. Danthu, S. Woodbborne, L. Rakosy,
I.A. Raţiu, Investigation of the Architecture and Age of Superlative Adansonia grandidieri from the Andombiry
Forest, Madagascar, Forests, 2021, 12,
1258. (
3. A. Pătruţ, L. Rakosy, R.T.
Pătruţ, V. Bocoş-Binţinţan, I.A. Raţiu, J. Bodis,
S. Woodborne, AMS Radiocarbon dating of the large pedunculate oak of
Mercheaşa, Romania, Studia UBB
Chemia, LXVI, 3, 2021, 255-263. (
A. Pătruţ, R.T. Pătruţ, L. Rakosy,
I.A. Raţiu, D.A. Lowy, K.F. von Reden, Age, growth and architecture of the
Big Tree at Victoria Falls, Dendrochronologia,
70, 2021, 125898. (
1.4.2. A number of 3-5 presentations at
international conferences such as AMS-15 (Sydney), Radiocarbon and the
Environment (Gliwice) etc.
to the COVID-19 pandemic, all conferences where the research team members were
supposed to participate in 2021 were postponed to the following year, except
for the AMS-15 Conference in Sydney, which took place online via the ZOOM
platform (September 7-11, 2021). At this conference, we delivered a
presentation, namely:
Pătruţ, R.T. Pătruţ, L. Rakosy, D. Rakosy, I.A. Raţiu,
W. Oliver, K.F. von Reden, Radiocarbon investigation of the large African
baobabs of Outapi, Namibia.
Activity 1.4.3. Preparing
the annual activity report.
The 2021 activity report was written.
presented information confirms that the objectives outlined for Phase 1 of the
Project Implementation Plan for the year 2021 have been achieved. Additionally,
the anticipated results have been obtained.
(January - December 2022)
The scientific activities carried out within the research
project during the period January-December 2022 aimed to achieve the objectives
outlined in the single phase of the Project Implementation Plan for the year
2 (single stage 2022): Conservation and protection of monumental trees,
investigating them through radiocarbon dating and stable isotope analysis (II).
Objective 2.1. Baobab dating (II), with possible field
trips to Madagascar Australia, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Congo, Sudan, South
Africa, Oman, Mozambique, Botswana, Brazil, Singapore, United Arab Emirates
etc. (for 1-3 persons).
Activity 2.1.1. Sample collection from 25 baobabs.
Objective 2.2. Climate study (II), with possible field
trips to Madagascar, Senegal, Angola, Namibia, Congo, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Oman,
Botswana etc. (for 1-3 persons).
Activity 2.2.1. Sample collection from 2 baobabs.
A number of 30 representative African baobabs from Oman
and Senegal were measured and investigated, and samples were collected from 28
baobabs for dating (compared to the 25 envisaged), and from 2 baobabs for
stable isotope analysis (compared to the 2 envisaged). Two significant field
trips were carried out in Oman during April 2022 (3 persons) and July-August
2022 (2 persons), the latter even during the southeast monsoon (Khareef). Oman
hosts an unexpected and highly interesting population of African baobabs, unique
in the Arabian Peninsula. With one exception, all baobabs in Oman are located
in the southeastern coastal part, in the Dhofar province. Many researchers
believe this population could represent a remnant of centuries-old or even
millennia-old trade links between the Dhofar region and mainland Africa. The
main area of investigation iwas Wadi Hinna (in Arabic, "the valley over
there"), a semi-arid valley (3 km2) at the edge of the Dhofar
Mountains, situated 20 km from the shore (GPS coordinates 17º03' N, 54º36' E,
altitude 300-360 m). Wadi Hinna shelters African baobabs in a cloud forest
(Fig. 8). Precipitation, averaging only 130 mm annually, occurs almost
exclusively during the rainy season (June-September), when moist air from the
Indian Ocean, known as the southeast monsoon, clashes with the mountains,
generating clouds and dense fog.
8. Scenic entry in the
Wadi Hinna baobab forest.
The 106 baobabs grow on a slope amid huge pieces of sedimentary limestone
rocks that are displaced by water during the rainy season. In recent years,
Wadi Hinna has been divided into two sections based on altitude and
stratigraphic composition, namely Wadi Hinna and Wadi Hasheer.
The forest hosts a monumental specimen, namely the Big Baobab Tree in Wadi
Hasheer, which has an open ring-shaped structure, composed of 12 fused stems
(Fig. 9, 10). It stands at a height of h = 19.2 m, with a circumference cbh =
21.35 m and a massive crown, leading to a total volume V = 260 m3.
Being over three times larger than any other tree in Wadi Hinna and Wadi
Hasheer, the Big Baobab could potentially be the parent tree of all the trees
in the Baobab Forest.
Fig. 9. The Big Baobab of Wadi Hasheer during
the dry season.
Fig. 10. The Big Baobab during the Khareef in the
rainy season.
Its dimensions are: h = 12.3 m, cbh = 16.05 m, V = 80 m3.
Another representative baobab of the forest is the one we have named WHI-1605,
after its location (Wadi Hinna) and circumference (16.05 m). It has an open
ring-shaped structure, composed of 6 partially fused stems (Fig. 11). Its
dimensions are: h = 12.3 m, cbh = 16.05 m, V = 80 m3.
11. The WHI-1605 baobab is located right
where Wadi Hinna begins.
best known baobab in Oman grows completely isolated near Dalkut, close to the
border with Yemen. It has a clustered structure, formed by 3 perfectly fused
stems (Fig. 12). Its dimensions are: h = 13.5 m, cbh = 13.30 m, V = 50 m3.
Its height reduced to only 7.5 m after the tallest branch broke during the
period of 2019-2020. Locals refer to the Dalkut baobab as "Hiroum
Dheeri" (in Arabic, "The Tree from Very Far Away"), likely
planted by an African traveler passing through the area many centuries ago. The
nearest baobab to the one in Dalkut is in Wadi Hinna, over 200 km away.
12. The baobab of Dalkut
in 2017, with the crown still intact.
October 2022, one team member paid another visit to Senegal, the country with
the highest number of superlative baobabs of the northern hemisphere.
Thus, behind the Presidential Palace, near a road leading
to Cap Manuel and the touristic port of Dakar, lies the so-called President's
baobab (Baobab du Président), traditionally known as the Baobab of East
Corniche (Baobab de la Corniche Est). The baobab was once growing a small
settlement on the outskirts of Dakar, demolished in the 1990s. Presently, the
baobab stands right in the middle of an asphalt road, which largely covers its
roots, over which hundreds of cars pass daily (Fig. 13). The baobab of East
Corniche is one of the largest and oldest single-stemmed baobabs in the world.
Its dimensions are as follows: h = 14.7 m, cbh = 11.10 m, V = 65 m3.
Its age is around 500 years. Its rich crown has 7 primary branches, one of
which is broken. Unfortunately, its lifespan will be significantly shortened by
the traffic around it, and conservation measures are practically impossible due
to its current position in an "official" area.
Fig. 13. The
baobab of East Corniche,
Dakar is now located in the middle of an intensely circulated asphalt road.
At a distance of
3.5 km from the Blaise Pascal International Airport near Dakar-Thiès, amidst a
field of palm trees, we identified a remarkable baobab with an impressive
volume. Due to its location, we named it the Airport Baobab (Fig. 14). It has a
cluster structure, formed by 10 well-fused common stems, 2 of which are broken.
Its dimensions are: h = 22.5 m, cbh = 20.25 m, V = 250 m3. One of
the stems contains a common cavity. The Airport Baobab, with stems of different
sizes belonging to distinct generations, is over 500 years old.
Due to the
COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, which were much stricter compared to Europe,
either barring the entry of foreign citizens or mandating a mandatory
quarantine of 10-14 days, certain travels to countries like Namibia, Angola, Madagascar,
Australia, Brazil could not be undertaken in 2022.
Fig. 14. The Airport Baobab, located in the proximity
of Blaise Pascal international airport.
2.1.2. Pretreatment of samples (60 sample segments), 2.1.3.
AMS radiocarbon dating (60 sample segments) and
2.1.4. Calibration (60 sample segments).
A number of 70
wood sample segments (compared to 70 envisaged) were pretreated by the
acid-base-acid or α-cellulose method, subsequently AMS radiocarbon dated
and then calibrated.
The radiocarbon
dating by AMS (accelerator mass spectrometer) was performed at iThemba
Laboratory for Accelerator Based Sciences (iThemba LABS) in Johannesburg (South
Africa) and the Hertelendi Laboratory of Environmental Studies (Isotoptech Zrt
and MTA ATOMKI), Debrecen (Hungary).
Activity 2.2.2.
Stable isotope analysis.
The stable isotope
analysis was performed to determine the δ13C and δ18O
values at iThemba LABS, Gauteng (South Africa).
Objective 2.3. Measuring
and dating trees of Romania, Moldova and Europe (II),
with possible field trips to Hungary, Germany,
Spain, Portugal, Greece, France, Moldova, Poland, Italy, Macedonia, Turkey, and
other domestic and European travels (for 1-3 persons).
Fig. 15. The Emperor's Beech
grows at the edge of a forest road, above the right bank of the Arieş
River and the village of Muncel.
In February 2022, our research team traveled to the
village of Muncel, that is a part of the mining town Baia de Arieş in the
Apuseni Mountains, in Alba county. Along a forest road, on a hill at an
elevation of 40 meters above the right bank of the Arieş River, stands a
historic beech tree (Fagus sylvatica)
known as the "Emperor's Beech" (Fig. 15). The tree got its name from
Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria, who visited Transylvania in 1852 and
according to legend is said to have noticed this particular beech. The
Emperor's Beech has marcescent leaves that, although they dry and turn brown in
the fall, remain on the tree throughout the winter. The dried leaves only fall
off in the spring when new green leaves flush. The dimensions of the beech are:
h = 23.2 m, cbh = 5.00 m (5.33 m in 2009), V = 20 m3. Radiocarbon
dating indicates an age of around 420 years. The Emperor's Beech was declared a
Natural Monument in 1995.
From end of June to early July 2022, a member of the
research team traveled to mainland and insular Greece. During this time,
several representative specimens of oriental plane (Platanus orientalis) and olive (Olea
europaea) species were investigated and measured.
Activities 2.3.1. Measuring 30 trees, 2.3.2. Sample
collection from 3 trees, 2.3.3. Pretreatment of samples (20
sample segments) and 2.3.4. AMS radiocarbon dating (20 sample segments).
A number of 35
trees were measured (compared to the 30 envisaged), samples were collected from
5 trees (compared to the 3 envisaged), 25 sample segments were pretreated
(compared to the 20 envisaged), and 25 sample segments were radiocarbon-dated
via AMS (compared to the 20envisaged).
Objective 2.4. Dissemination of results.
Activity 2.4.1. Publishing or submitting for publication a number of
3-5 articles in ISI journals.
In 2022, we submitted for publishing 6 scientific papers,
all in ISI journals, out of which 2 are within the
so-called 'red zone' according to the CNCS classification. All these articles
mention that 'The research was funded by the Romanian Ministry of Education
CNCS-UEFISCDI under grant PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2567, No. 145/2021.' The 6
articles are as follows:
1. A. Pătruţ, R.T. Pătruţ, V.
Bocoş-Binţinţan, I.A. Raţiu, L. Rakosy, G. Zdrob, E.
Vancă, K.F. von Reden, Radiocarbon investigation of two old elms from
Romania, Studia UBB Chemia, 2022, LXVII,
1, 245-256. (
2. A. Pătruţ, R.T. Pătruţ, L.
Rakosy, I.A. Raţiu, N. M. Nassor, K.F. von Reden, Radiocarbon
investigation of two large African baobabs from Kizimkazi, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Studia UBB Chemia, 2022, LXVII, 3, 143-153.
3. A. Pătruţ, R.T. Pătruţ, L.
Rakosy, W. Oliver, I.A. Raţiu, D.A. Lowy, G. Shiimbi, S. Woodborne, K.F.
von Reden, Radiocarbon Investigation of the Historic African Baobabs of
Omusati, Namibia, Forests, 2022, 13, 1899.
4. A. Pătruţ, V. Bocoş-Binţinţan,
R.T. Pătruţ, D. Parţilă, I.A. Raţiu, L. Rakosy, K.F.
von Reden, Radiocarbon dating of the historic Emperor’s Beech from Muncel, Baia
de Arieş, Romania. Studia
UBB Chemia, 2022, LXVII, 4. (
5. R.T. Pătruţ, A. Garg, A.
Pătruţ, S. Woodborne, L. Rakosy, I.A. Raţiu, The
first radiocarbon investigation of the Indian banyan (Ficus benghalensis L.). Current Science.
6. R.T. Pătruţ, S. Woodborne, A. Pătruţ, G. Hall, I.
Robertson, C.W. Winterbach, L. Rakosy, I.A. Raţiu, A 900-Year Isotopic
Proxy Rainfall Record from Central Botswana. Forests.
The first 4 papers were already published in 2022,
while articles 5 and 6 are under review.
The abstracts of the 4 published
articles are as follows:
1. Radiocarbon investigation of two old elms from
paper reports the AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry) radiocarbon investigation
results of two superlative elms from Romana, the very large field elm of
Calafat, with a wood volume of 85 m3, and the wych elm of Sadova.
Two wood samples were extracted from each elm and were analysed by AMS
radiocarbon. The oldest dated sample from the elm of Calafat had a radiocarbon
date of 350 ± 19 BP, which corresponds to a calibrated age of 415 ± 25 years,
while the oldest sample from the elm of Sadova had a radiocarbon date of 188 ±
24 BP, corresponding to a calibrated age of 260 ± 25 years. These values
indicate high ages for the two elms, namely 430 ± 25 years or the elm of
Calafat and 400 ± 25 years for the elm of Sadova.
2. Radiocarbon investigation of two large
African baobabs from Kizimkazi, Zanzibar, Tanzania.
ABSTRACT. The article reports the AMS
(accelerator mass spectrometry) radiocarbon dating
results of Kizimkazi Big tree and Kizimkazi II baobab, two large African
baobabs from Zanzibar, Tanzania. Unfortunately, both baobabs toppled and died
in 2020 and 2018 during violent storms. The investigation of the two baobabs
evinced that the first of them, which was also the biggest tree of Tanzania,
consisted of 5 stems, out of which 2 were false ones, and had a closed
ring-shaped structure. The second baobab was composed of 4 fused stems and had
a cluster structure. Several wood samples were collected from the two baobabs.
Seven segments were extracted from the samples and dated by radiocarbon. The
oldest segment from Kizimkazi Big tree had a radiocarbon date of
312 ± 18 BP, corresponding to a calibrated age of 380 ± 10 calendar years.
According to dating results, the Kizimkazi Big tree died at the age of 400 ± 25
years. The oldest segment from Kizimkazi II baobab had a radiocarbon date of
137 ± 17 BP, corresponding to a calibrated age of 190 ± 10 calendar years. This
value indicates that the Kizimkazi II baobab was 250 ± 25 years old when it
3. Radiocarbon Investigation of the Historic African
Baobabs of Omusati, Namibia.
Omusati region belongs to the historic Ovamboland, an area of northern Namibia
populated by tribes of the Ovambo group. Four very large African baobabs of
Omusati played an important role in historic events of the area, such as the
tribal wars and the Namibian War of Independence. The four historic baobabs are
Ombalantu baobab (8 stems; circumference 24.50 m), Okahao baobab (4+ stems;
around 25 m), Amadhila baobab (12 stems; 25.35 m) and Sir Howard baobab (9
stems; 31.60 m). Two historic baobabs collapsed totally or partially. The stems
of Amadhila baobab toppled and died in 2021, while 3 stems of Okahao baobab
collapsed long time ago, but are still alive. Our research aimed to determine
the architecture and age of these baobabs. Three baobabs (Ombalantu, Amadhila, Sir Howard) exhibit a closed ring-shaped structure, with a
false cavity inside. One baobab (Okahao) had an open ring-shaped structure,
before its collapse. Several wood cores were extracted from the baobabs and
investigated by radiocarbon dating. The dating results indicate ages of 770 ±
50 years years for Ombalantu baobab, 650 ± 50 years for Okahao baobab, 1100 ±
50 years for Amadhila baobab and 750 ± 50 years for Sir Howard baobab.
4. Radiocarbon dating of the historic Emperor’s Beech
from Muncel, Baia de Arieş, Romania.
article reports the AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry) radiocarbon dating
results of the historic Emperor’s Beech from Muncel, Baia de Arieş,
Romania. Two wood samples were collected from the large tree, out of which four
segments were extracted and analysed by AMS radiocarbon. The oldest dated
sample segment had a radiocarbon date of 233 ± 18 BP, which corresponds to a
calibrated age of 365 ± 5 years. This value suggests an age of 420 ± 20 years
for the Emperor’s Beech. Thus, the historic beech started growing around the
year 1600.
2.4.2. 1-2 presentations at International Conferences.
most important international conference in the field, called Radiocarbon, takes
place once every 3 years. The Radiocarbon 24 conference, scheduled for 2021 and
postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, took place between
September 11-16, 2022, at ETH Zürich (Switzerland). Two members of the
research team actually participated. On this occasion, we gave 2 presentations,
which enjoyed real interest from the participants. These are:
1. A. Pătruţ, M. Molnar, R.T. Pătruţ,
L. Rakosy, I.A. Raţiu, D. Rakosy, J.J. Brown, T. Varga, AMS Radiocarbon
investigation of the African baobabs from the semiarid cloud forest of Wadi
Hinna, Dhofar, Oman.
2. R.T. Pătruţ, S. Woodborne, A.
Pătruţ, G. Hall, I. Robertson, C.W. Winterbach, L. Rakosy, I.A.
Raţiu, A 900-Year Isotopic Proxy Rainfall Record from Central Botswana.
Activity 2.4.3. Preparing the annual activity report.
The 2022 activity report was written.
presented information confirms that the objectives outlined for Phase 2 of the
Project Implementation Plan for the year 2022 have been achieved. Additionally,
the anticipated results have been obtained.
(January - December 2023)
The scientific activities carried out within the
research project during the period January-December 2023 aimed to achieve the
objectives outlined in the single stage of the Project Implementation Plan for
the year 2023.
3 (single stage 2023): Conservation and protection of monumental trees,
investigating them through radiocarbon dating and stable isotope analysis (III).
Objective 3.1. Baobab dating (III), with
possible field trips to Madagascar,
Senegal, Namibia, South Africa, Brazil etc. (for 1-3 persons).
3.1.1. Sample collection from 15 baobabs.
Objective 3.2. Climate
study (III),
with possible field trips to
Madagascar, Senegal, Namibia,
South Africa, Brazil etc. (for
1-3 persons).
3.2.1. Sample collection from one baobab.
A total of 30 representative African baobabs from
Angola, Oman, and Senegal were measured and investigated and samples were
collected from 25 baobabs for dating (compared to the 15 envisaged), and from 5
baobabs for stable isotope analysis (compared to the 1 envisaged).
The first important field trip took place in Angola in
February 2023. This country was inaccessible in previous years due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, as authorities imposed unattainable conditions for foreign
Angola hosts several million African baobabs,
scattered across savannah regions and open forests in 11 out of its 18
provinces. The highest baobab density, with dozens of outstanding specimens, is
in the Cunene province, particularly between Uia and Xangongo along the Cunene river. In the Cunene inhabited area, there are 4 remarkable
baobabs with circumferences exceeding 21 m.
The largest baobab, that we called Xangongo-1 (X-1),
is inaccurately referred to by locals as "the largest baobab in
Africa" (in Portuguese, Il piu grande imbondeiro
di Africa). It has the following dimensions: height h = 21.0 m, circumference
cbh = 26.34 m, total volume V = 300 m3
(Fig. 16). X-1 is a very old reconstructed baobab with an open ring-shaped
structure. It comprises 11 fused stems, 5 of which are common and 6 are false.
It is obvious that the stems belong to several generations, probably ranging in
age from hundreds to 2000 years.
The second largest baobab, named Xangongo-2 (X-2), is
situated just 600 meters away from X-1. Its dimensions are: height h = 23.8 m,
circumference cbh = 22.70 m, volume V = 220 m3. X-2 has a closed
ring-shaped structure, composed of 5 fused trunks, one of which is fractured.
The baobab features an open false cavity, enclosed by 4 stems (Fig. 17). The
oldest part of baobab X-2 could be over 1000 years old.
Fig. 16.
The Xangongo-1 baobab, with its regrown and broken stems.
Fig. 17. The Xangongo-2 baobab has an open false cavity.
In April 2023, our research team traveled to Oman,
concluding the investigation of African baobabs in the country with the help of
representatives from the Oman Botanic Garden.
Unfortunately, baobabs from the Wadi Hinna (WHI) and Wadi
Hasheer (WHA) seemed to be damaged by an insect attack, as suggested by
research conducted by the Oman Botanic Garden. These pests pose a threat to
baobab specimens in the area. Consequently, two of the stems of the baobab
WHI-1605, presented in Fig. 11, have collapsed (Fig. 18).
Fig. 18. The baobab WHI-1056 under attack by a boring
In the case of other baobabs of Wadi Hinna and Wadi Hasheer, some
stems with extensive boring marks completely collapsed, such as the baobab
WHA-1846 (Fig. 19).
lower parts of the baobab stems in Wadi Hinna and Wadi
Hasheer were covered with lime as a protective measure against pests.
samples were collected from the stems of representative baobabs in the area, as
well as from the largest baobab on an islet in the "valley" of Wadi
al Ghazir, situated just below Wadi Hinna, and from the baobab in Dalkut.
Fig. 19.
One of the stems of baobab WHA-1846 collapsed due to pest activity.
October-November, one team member conducted a trip to Senegal, to investigate
baobabs with a circumference exceeding 20 meters. All specimens exhibited were
found to be in a good vegetative state.
Warang-1, which continues to be well cared for in a private yard, lost a
primary branch with a diameter of 0.70 meters from the area of the false cavity
due to a storm in September 2023 (Fig. 20). Due to abundant precipitation in
2023, its circumference increased to a record value of 29.35 meters, the
highest of any recorded tree in the northern hemisphere.
the circumference of the Ngokole baobab in Lalam increased to 28.45 meters.
However, the circumference of the old baobab in Nianing remained unchanged from
2022, namely 24.76 meters.
the intetion to revisit and re-measure the famous dwarf baobabs on Madeleine
Island was thwarted because the island remains closed by Presidential Decree
following a major incident during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though the
reasons for restricting access to the island have long disappeared, the Decree
has not been revoked. Once again, in an attempt to reach the island, a
motorboat was used, and thus the most representative dwarf baobabs, namely
Parasol and the Lébou cult baobab were observed. The trees were in leaf and
continue to thrive.
Fig. 20. The Warang-1 baobab and its fallen branch in September 2023.
Pretreatment of samples (61-76 sample segments),
AMS radiocarbon
dating (61-76 sample segments) and 3.1.4. Calibration
(61-76 sample segments).
number of 80 wood sample segments (compared to 61-76
envisaged) were pretreated by the acid-base-acid or α-cellulose method,
subsequently AMS radiocarbon dated and then calibrated.
radiocarbon dating by AMS (accelerator mass spectrometer) was performed at
iThemba Laboratory for Accelerator Based Sciences (iThemba LABS) in
Johannesburg (South Africa) and the Hertelendi Laboratory of Environmental
Studies (Isotoptech Zrt and MTA ATOMKI), Debrecen (Hungary).
Activity 3.2.2. Stable isotope
The stable isotope
analysis was performed to determine the δ13C and δ18O values at
iThemba LABS, Gauteng (South Africa).
Objective 3.3. Measuring
and dating trees of Romania, Moldova and Europe (III), with
possible field trips to Hungary, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Greece, France,
Moldova, Italy, Poland, England and other domestic and European travels (for
1-3 persons).
3.3.1. Measuring 20 trees.
A number of 30 trees have been measured in Romania,
Moldova, and Hungary.
In August 2023, 3 members of our researcher team traveled
to the Republic of Moldova. During this trip, several state-protected ancient
trees were investigated. Among these, the oak tree known as "Ștefan
cel Mare's Oak" from Cobîlea village, Șoldăneşti district,
stands out, albeit in an advanced state of degradation. The oak belongs to the Quercus robur species. Its dimensions
are: height (h) = 16.6 meters, circumference at breast height (cbh) = 7.60 m,
total volume (V total) = 35 m3.
As the trunk is partially cemented, wood samples were
collected from primary branches for the purpose of radiocarbon dating.
Objective 3.4. Dissemination of results.
Activity 3.4.1. Publishing
or submitting for publication a number of 3-4 articles.
2023, we published 4 scientific articles, all in ISI journals, out of which one
within the so-called 'red zone' according to the CNCS classification. Two of the were submitted for publishing in 2022. All these
articles mention that 'The research was funded by the Romanian Ministry of
Education CNCS-UEFISCDI under grant PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2567, No. 145/2021.'
The published articles are as follows:
1. R.T. Pătruţ, A. Garg, A.
Pătruţ, S. Woodborne, L. Rakosy, I.A. Raţiu, Radiocarbon
analysis of the Indian banyan (Ficus
benghalensis L.) at Narora, Current
Science, 124,10,25 May 2023. (
2. A. Pătruţ, R.T. Pătruţ, L.
Rakosy, I.A. Raţiu, P. Danthu, J-M. Leong Pock Tsy, K.F. von Reden,
Radiocarbon Dating of the Historic Grand Baobab of Mahajanga, Madagascar, Studia UBB Chemia, 2023, LXVIII, 1, 119-129.
3. R.T. Pătruţ, A. Pătruţ, G.
Hall, C.W. Winterbach, I. Robertson, I.A. Raţiu, V. Bocos-Bintintan, L.
Rakosy, S. Woodborne, A 900-Year Isotopic Proxy Rainfall Record from
Northeastern Botswana, Forests, 2023, 14,
1917. (
4. A. Pătruţ, R.T. Pătruţ, J-M. Leong Pock Tsy, L. Rakosy, P. Danthu, I.A.
Raţiu, J. Bodis, S. Woodborne, Radiocarbon Dating of the Very Large Egg
Baobab from the Andombiry Forest, Madagascar, Studia UBB Chemia, 2023, LXVIII, 3, 141-151. (
5. A. Pătruţ, M.
Molnar, R.T. Pătruţ, L. Rakosy, I.A. Raţiu, D. Rakosy, J.J.
Brown, T. Varga, AMS Radiocarbon investigation of the African baobabs from the
semiarid cloud forest of Dhofar, Oman, Dendrochronologia.
abstracts of the 4 published articles are as follows
1. Radiocarbon
analysis of the Indian banyan (Ficus benghalensis L.) at Narora.
The paper discloses the first radiocarbon investigation of Ficus benghalensis, which was performed on the large Indian banyan
of Narora. The banyan was discovered during floristic surveys in the Upper
Ganga Ramsar Site, Uttar Pradesh, India and ranks as the tenth largest banyan in the world
by its 4069 m2 crown spread. The tree has a unique architecture,
with just four prop roots supporting the main stem. The
oldest sample was found to be 346 ± 40 BP, which corresponds to a calibrated
age of 425 ± 35 calendar years. The radiocarbon dating results indicate
an age of 450 ± 50 years for the Indian banyan of Narora. The age value represents the oldest accurate dating
result for the species. Several protection measures are included to ensure the
long-term survival of this archaic tree.
2. Radiocarbon Dating of the Historic Grand Baobab of Mahajanga,
ABSTRACT. The article reports the AMS
(accelerator mass spectrometry) radiocarbon
investigation of the historic Grand Baobab of Mahajanga. The largest African
baobab from Madagascar exhibits a cluster structure, which consists of 6 fused
ordinary stems and of 3 small binding stems. Two samples were collected from
the largest stem and from a primary branch, out of which several tiny segments
were extracted and dated by radiocarbon. The oldest dated sample segment had a
radiocarbon date of 214 ± 17 BP, which corresponds to a calibrated age of
265 ± 25 calendar years. The dating results indicate that the Grand Baobab of
Mahajanga is 275 ± 25 years old.
3. A 900-Year Isotopic Proxy Rainfall Record from
Northeastern Botswana.
ABSTRACT. The year 2016 witnessed the fall of a symbol of the
botanical world: the historic Chapman baobab of Botswana. The article presents
the results of our investigation of the standing and fallen tree. The Chapman
baobab had an open-ring shaped structure composed of six partially fused stems.
Several wood samples collected from the stems prior and after their collapse
were analysed by using radiocarbon dating. The radiocarbon date of the oldest
sample was 1381 ± 22 BP, which corresponds to a calibrated age of 1345 (+10,
-15) calendar years. The dating results show that the six stems of Chapman
baobab belonged to three different generations, which were 1350-1400, 800-1000
and 500-600 years old. The growth rate variation of the largest and oldest stem
is presented and correlated with the climate evolution in the area over the
past 1000 years. The factors that determined the sudden fall and death of the
Chapman baobab are also presented and discussed.
4. Radiocarbon Dating of the Very Large Egg Baobab from
the Andombiry Forest, Madagascar.
article discloses the AMS (accelerator
mass spectrometry) radiocarbon dating results of the Egg baobab, a superlative
Grandidier baobab (Adansonia grandidieri)
from the Andomiry Forest, Atsimo-Andrefana region, Madagascar. The
investigation of the baobab shows that it is composed of 5 perfectly fused
stems and exhibits an open ring-shaped structure with a very large false cavity
inside. The calculated overall wood volume of the Egg baobab is 450 m3.
Two wood samples were collected from the outer part of the stems, out of which
nine tiny segments were extracted and dated by radiocarbon. The oldest sample
segment had a radiocarbon date of 921 ± 24 BP,
which corresponds to a calibrated age of 840 ± 25 years. This value indicates
that the Egg baobab is 875 ± 75 years old.
three articles concering baobabs from Senegal, Angola, and the oak tree of
Ștefan cel Mare from Cobâlea (Republic of Moldova) will be finalised and
submitted for publication in 2024.
we participated in the Latin American Radiocarbon Conference, CLARa2, held in
Ciudad de Mexico (September 4-8, 2023). During this event, 2 presentations were
delivered that garnered significant interest from the attendees. These presentations
1. A. Pătruţ, R.T. Pătruţ, L. Rakosy, I.A. Raţiu,
K.F. von Reden, S. Woodbourne, Ages of Large Boabs from Kimberley, Australia
determined by AMS Radioarbon Investigation.
2. A. Pătruţ, M. Molnar, R.T. Pătruţ, L. Rakosy, I.A.
Raţiu, AMS Radiocarbon Dating of Very Old African Baobabs from Xangongo,
Another significant outcome is worth mentioning: In
November 2021, the well-known publisher Abbeville Press released the
illustrated book 'Baobabs,' authored by photographer Beth Moon, where I am
credited as a contributor for the scientific essay included in the volume. The
reference is:
Beth Moon (author), Adrian Pătruţ
(contributor), Baobabs, Abbeville Press, New York, London, 2021.
The book has also been translated to French and published
by Museo Éditions. The reference is:
Beth Moon (auteur), Adrian Pătruţ
(collaborateur), Baobabs, Museo Éditions, Plaissan, France, 2021.
Activity 3.4.2. Preparing
the annual activity report.
The 2023 activity report was written.
presented information confirms that the objectives outlined for Phase 3 of the
Project Implementation Plan for the year 2023 have been achieved. Additionally,
the anticipated results have been obtained.
data presented in the Final Scientific Report demonstrates that all objectives
and activities envisaged in the Project Implementation Plan in its three phases
have been accomplished and fulfilled. Additionally, the expected results have
been obtained.
In 2005, the project director initiated a new multi- and
interdisciplinary approach, namely the use of radiometric dating in
dendrochronology, followed in some cases by a dendroclimatological study. This
research was initiated to address various conflicting aspects associated with
the architecture, age, and growth of the African baobab. The project manager
and the research team developed an original methodology that allows for dating
even living erect specimens. The new methodology involves the use of AMS
(Accelerator Mass Spectrometry) radiocarbon dating on very small wood samples
extracted from interior cavities, fractured stems, large incisions in stems, or
from the exterior of baobabs. The obtained results were surprising and
spectacular. The main discoveries include: i) multiple trunks; ii) open and
closed ring-shaped structures; iii) false cavities; iv) false stems; v) growth
stop; vi) fire history; vii) upper age limit; viii) death of the largest and
oldest baobabs. Since 2013, our research has expanded to baobab species from
Madagascar and the Australian baobab. These species also exhibit some of the
characteristics discovered in the African baobab, namely i, ii, iii, and v.
Similar investigations were conducted on angiosperm trees
in temperate zones, including Romania. Our research identified very old
specimens of oak, poplar, ash, elm, and beech.
With these excellent results published in numerous
international scientific journals, the project manager's research team is an
undeniable world leader in radiocarbon dating of monumental angiosperm trees.
The results obtained have been disseminated in over 45 scientific articles
published in international journals, 12 of which within the scope of this
research project.
Regarding the most significant result obtained in this
project, a choice should be made among three different researches. I refer to:
a) a 900-year climatic study for the northeastern region of Botswana based on
the analysis of samples collected from the Chapman baobab, published in the
journal Forests; b) the pioneering investigation of baobabs in the semiarid and
cloud tropical forest in the Dhofar region, Oman; c) the pioneering
investigation of superlative baobabs in the Xangongo region, Angola. The choice
is very challenging and remains within the scientific community's purview.